Thursday, 12 March, 2015, Angelica (second from right) introduced UCSD Chancellor Emerita Marye Anne Fox
![Event organizers and invited speakers. From left to right: Erika McBride, Marye Anne Fox, Ashley Gardner, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, Cil Perlman, Angelica Gilroy, Paul Memije.](
Event organizers and invited speakers. From left to right: Erika McBride, Marye Anne Fox, Ashley Gardner, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, Cil Pleman, Angelica Gilroy, Paul Memije.
(second from left) at the Navy’s Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) Women’s History Month Event. SWRMC is the largest and most diverse intermediate maintenance activity. The command provides superior ship maintenance, modernization, and technical support to over 100 surface ships, submarines, shore activities and other commands of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Among the event attendees was the commanding officer, engineer, astronaut, diver, and military officer, CAPT Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper (fourth from right). Other audience members included Engineers, Shipbuilding Specialists, Engineering/ Electronic Technicians, Contract Specialists, Quality Assurance, and Management Analysts.
The event was comprised of slideshows, presentations, and interactive sessions intended to inform the audience of the contributions women have made to societal advancement across multiple disciplines. SWRMC’s Multi-cultural Committee, headed by Paul Memije (far right), partnered with Cil Pleman (third from right) and Erika McBride (far left) from Commander Pacific Fleet’s Human Resource Office Southwest to bring two distinguished guest speakers to the event: Spokeswoman for the Women’s History Museum of California, Ashley Gardner (third from left), and Dr. Fox. Each speaker gave both historical perspectives as well as anecdotes from their own intriguing personal experiences. The event was very well received and all of the audience members admitted to learning something new. CAPT Stefanyshyn-Piper closed the event by stating that women’s history is not just women’s history—it’s our history.