new postdoc position: coastal hydro-morphodynamic interactions!

Sarah GiddingsUncategorized

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), UCSD, is looking for a postdoctoral scholar to work on a project aiming to improve our observations and predictions of nearshore processes including coastal flooding, coastal morphological evolution, and estuary inlet closure. The postdoctoral scholar will be responsible for helping collect and analyze observations as part of a larger group effort. This includes observational planning, instrument programming/deployment/uploads, and general laboratory maintenance. Scientific analyses will include creation of high spatial and temporal resolution topo/bathymetric maps using best available data, overall analysis of hydrodynamic forcing fields during the observational studies, and in-depth analysis on a topic(s) of choice ranging from inlet morphological evolution, theoretical and/or modeling analysis of inlet accretion, wave-current/inlet/morphological feedbacks, estuarine response to inlet changes, coastal flooding, etc. These analyses will be conducted through utilization of state-of-the-art observations, but we also support modeling approaches as well. A strong background in oceanography is required and preference will be given to those with significant expertise in coastal hydrodynamics, nearshore processes, and coastal observations. There will be opportunities for interaction with scientists in other fields related to the project as well as graduate and undergraduate students working in the PI’s labs. Finally, if desired, the postdoctoral researcher will have the ability to participate in stakeholder engagement and outreach. Additional information about this position and how to apply can be found here. Additional information about postdoctoral positions at UCSD, professional development and career training opportunities, and benefits can be found on the UCSD Office of Postdoctoral Scholar Affairs website.