I received a National Science Foundation Ocean Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to investigate coastal/estuarine interactions in further detail. This project (started January 2013) expands upon the modelling efforts of the PNWTOX project to investigate coastal/estuarine interactions in the Pacific Northwest. I am building upon the UW Coastal Modeling Group tools to include 2-way nested simulations of the coastal estuaries. I am using this tool to investigate the influence of offshore oceanic conditions at the estuary mouths on exchange flow as well as to investigate the influence of along-shore estuaries on one-another. It has been well documented that offshore oceanic conditions can influence estuarine exchange flow, even reversing exchange flow. In specific I will quantitatively study the influence of an offshore river plume (from an along-shore estuary) on estuarine exchange flow.
For more information on this project and related projects see:
Pacficic NorthWest TOXins simulations (PNWTOX simulations)