05 June 2020. Isa successfully defended her PhD remotely via zoom. All in spite of covid19 restrictions and significant social unrest. Her presentation was excellent and the attendance via zoom was phenomenal – over 100 attendees from around the world – a testament to her impressive scientific accomplishments and extended family and friend support network. She will be continuing to work with Geno and Sarah as a postdoc for a couple months before she moves on to a postdoctoral position elsewhere. Dr. Arzeno truly blossomed into an exceptional researcher during her PhD, leading numerous field campaigns to the Seychelles and tackling a topic well beyond her advisors’ expertise with a variety of tools ranging from Satellite data to numerical model output to analytical models. Congratulations Dr. Isa Arzeno!!!
- at home zoom celebration
- happy committee!
- socially distanced park signing
- talk introduction