new postdoc position in Giddings lab!

Sarah Giddingsnews

This position is now closed. Postdoc in oceanic forcing of estuarine exchange at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD The Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) Center for Coastal Studies, UCSD, is looking for a postdoctoral scholar to work on an NSF-funded project aiming to improve our understanding of the importance of remote oceanic forcing on estuarine exchange flow across estuarine parameter space. The … Read More

new paper on Yanai Waves in the equatorial Indian Ocean

Sarah Giddingsnews

Dr. Arzeno’s paper in GRL on the generation of quasi-biweekly Yanai waves in the equatorial Indian Ocean is now published in early view. This is a really unique paper where Isa has used satellite sea surface height and wind velocity data to assess the characteristics and generation of Yanai waves in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Prior literature used numerical models … Read More

fieldwork in Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge

Sarah Giddingsnews

As part of a project to assess marsh response to human alterations, over the past few weeks we have deployed a series of moorings in the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge. This project is in collaboration with the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, and Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest. Doing all of this work socially … Read More

salt-wedge estuary paper published!

Sarah Giddingsnews

“Seasonal Changes in Structure and Dynamics in an Urbanized Salt Wedge Estuary” by Maggie McKeon, Alex Horner-Devine, and Sarah Giddings was just published in Estuaries & Coasts. This paper describes hydrographic measurements of a salt-wedge estuary, the Duwamish River Estuary, spanning a 20-fold range in seasonal discharge. The tidal dynamics are well explained by two-layer hydraulic theory, and result in … Read More

new paper on mid- to outer-shelf transport

Sarah Giddingsnews

“Mechanisms of Mid- to Outer-Shelf Transport of Shoreline-Released Tracers” was just released in the Journal of Physical Oceanography. This paper, led by postdoc Xiaodong Wu, focuses on exchange of a shore-line released tracer from the mid- to outer-shelf. While along-shelf flows are primarily driven by obliquely incident waves, cross-shore flows are are driven by both wind-driven Ekman transport and submesoscale … Read More

AUV observations of tidal flow over a coral reef paper

Sarah Giddingsnews

“Cross‐Shore Structure of Tidally‐Driven Alongshore Flow over Rough Bathymetry” manuscript published on-line in Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans! This paper, led by former graduate student Andre Amador, uses autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) data to examine the cross-shore structure of along-shore flow over a coral reef. Transport of heat, mass, and momentum over the inner-shelf impacts coastal distributions of larvae, nutrients, … Read More

red-tide impacts

Sarah Giddingsnews

16 June 2020. Sarah presented a lightning talk on “Red-tide impacts inside estuaries and on oysters” at the SCCOOS red-tide mini symposium. It was a very interesting event to attend to learn the various parameters leading up to the massive red-tide and the significant biogeochemical and biological impacts. Lots more information can be found at the SCCOOS red-tide bulletin.

Dr. Isabella Arzeno!!!

Sarah Giddingsnews

05 June 2020. Isa successfully defended her PhD remotely via zoom. All in spite of covid19 restrictions and significant social unrest. Her presentation was excellent and the attendance via zoom was phenomenal – over 100 attendees from around the world – a testament to her impressive scientific accomplishments and extended family and friend support network. She will be continuing to … Read More

rapid-response field work!

Sarah Giddingsnews

08-18 May 2020. A massive red-tide in our region prompted our lab to conduct rapid-response field work, applying for and gaining permissions to conduct limited field equipment swaps during these severely restricted covid19 times. We practiced careful social distancing and sanitizing measures throughout. We were able to swap our biosensor moorings, download the data, and re-deploy to capture the start … Read More

MPOWIR webinar

Sarah Giddingsnews

25 March 2020 – Sarah participated as a panel member in the MPOWIR webinar discussion on Leading People and Projects. MPOWIR = Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention is a community-based program providing mentoring and workshops for junior physical oceanographers (late graduate school through early career) aiming to reduce barriers to career development for all junior physical oceanography scientists.