Urban Tides Initiative citizen science project featured in the USC Sea Grant newsletter along with other wonderful citizen science projects led by USC Sea Grant!
California Coastal Resiliency workshop
Giddings, Harvey, and undergraduate researcher Mia Gonzalez attended the UC Irvine workshop on California Coastal Resiliency following a meeting with Colleagues at SCCWRP.
Upward Bound outreach
The Giddings lab participated in an SIO wide outreach event to students from Upward Bound, a year-round comprehensive academic college preparation and retention program that serves students from North County High Schools. The students were incredibly engaged and excited to witness the gravity currents and play around with stratification! Isa, Angelica, and Maddie, seen in the picture had a great … Read More
El Niño lagoon project updates!
Great update on our project posted on the USC Sea Grant website! Thanks to the USC Sea Grant for funding this work looking at El Niño impacts on lagoon circulation and how it serves as a window into future conditions.
Seychelles observations continue!
Part of the team departed for the Seychelles on 28 May 2016 to recover and re-deploy moorings, carry-out a process-based focus study, and do outreach with the local community. You can follow their trip on our NASCar-SLOMO project website. From left to right, Hugo, Isa, Rich, and Geno.
City of Carlsbad Sea Level Rise meeting
19 May 2016 Giddings and a few other scientists and policy specialists presented to community members at the City of Carlsbad Sea Level Rise Meeting. The City of Carlsbad hosted a panel discussion and community meeting about “The Future of Carlsbad’s Coast and Lagoons.” Video, photos, and information from the event can be found here.
Los Peñasquitos dredging and instrument recovery
On 18-20 May 2016, the Los Peñasquitos lagoon mouth was dredged open following nearly 2 months of continuous closure and upstream flooding. On 19 May 2016 water levels were low enough for us to recover the buried pressure sensor located just inside of the lagoon mouth. This pressure sensor has been measuring wave energy entering the lagoon throughout the El Niño … Read More
El Niño and Our Urban Ocean
Now you can watch the lecture on El Niño and Our Urban Ocean by Sarah and Julie Thomas from SCCOOS at the Birch Aquarium’s Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series.
El Niño SIO research highlighted
SIO highlights all of the amazing El Niño work that has gone on during this 2015-2016 El Niño season in this article.
recovery of instruments from Agua Hedionda Lagoon
We recovered our gear from AHL this week! Rob and Maddie got to dive in the lagoon… visibility was less than an arm’s length! There was significant growth on the instruments but so far the data looks good.