11 – 16 February 2018, Giddings lab members attended the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, Oregon. Arzeno presented an excellent poster, and Harvey & Rodriguez presented talks on their most recent research projects.
Seychelles research trip
During January 2018, we returned to the Seychelles to continue our research there as part of the Seychelles Local Ocean Modeling and Observations (SLOMO) project, a project which is part of the larger ONR funded NASCar project. Click here for more photos and more about the trip!
CERF 2017!
05-09 November 2017, Maddie, Angelica, and Sarah attended the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2017 conference in Providence Rhode Island. All group members presented talks on their research and we had multiple meetings with collaborators.
Angelica’s SURF experience highlighted in UCSD news
PhD student Angelica Rodriguez participated in the Scripps Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program as an undergraduate. This spurred her excitement about research and oceanography and led her to pursue a PhD at Scripps. Her SURF experience is highlighted in the UCSD news.
Seychelles work highlighted as part of Oceanography manuscript
A paper in Oceanography was recently published highlighting the NASCar (North Arabian Sea Circulation – autonomous research) efforts. It includes a section on our NASCar Seychelles project – Seychelles Local Ocean Modeling and Observations (NASCar – SLOMO). And it highlights several of our photographs from the field, check out Isa, Maddie, Rich,Geno, and others on the cover page!
San Diego Bay Field Work Underway
As one of five major ports in California, San Diego Bay is an important hub for industry and commerce, as well as the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet. The bay consists of nearly 11,000 acres of marine habitat for a diverse aquatic population that helps sustain various fauna that use the bay for breeding, rearing young, and migratory respite. Among the … Read More
Major Los Peñasquitos field experiment complete!
As part of her dissertation work, Maddie led a large field experiment in Los Peñasquitos Lagoon that just recently wrapped up. In addition to her typical deployments (pressure sensors, current meters, salinity/temperature sensors, etc.) she also deployed a Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) which consists of a long cable that can effectively measure temperature at very high spatial resolution. This month-long … Read More
Heitor presents at the 2017 UCSD URC
Heitor presented his research in our group at the 2017 UCSD Undergraduate Research Conference and got excellent feedback! Very excited to have him working with us and expanding upon an interactive model visualization tool which we hope to release by this coming summer!! Heitor presenting at one of our past group meetings x infinity! He had to connect to another computer via … Read More
Angelica and Maddie are PhD Candidates!!!
Congratulations to Angelica Rodriguez and Maddie Harvey for passing their qualifying exams! Angelica advanced to candidacy on 21 March 2017 and Maddie advanced to candidacy on 6 December 2017. I am super proud of my students, they are all doing an excellent job! Here they are engulfing Angelica in a hug after her post-quals celebratory lunch!
Octopus Rescue Mission
Yesterday we went out on the Sally Ann to swap the batteries on some offshore instrumentation. Despite some extremely dense fog that made navigating tricky we made some new friends! Both instruments were playing host to octopi that only left their homes inside the instrument after the instruments were hauled on deck. One octopus decided to make his great escape back to … Read More