Citizen Science Expo – 16 April 2016 at the La Jolla Public Library

Sarah Giddingsnews

Join Astrid and many others as they highlight the various citizen science projects occurring in San Diego. This will be the inaugural Citizen Science Expo for San Diego! Astrid will highlight the Urban Tides Initiative and Stormphoto citizen science projects which the Giddings lab has participated in and her results from analyzing the efficacy of these programs as part of … Read More

Tijuana Estuary closure – first since 1983

Sarah Giddingsnews

The Tijuana River mouth closed last week in response to what we think are the combined effects of large waves throughout this El Niño season and potentially along-shore transport of sand from earlier beach nourishments. Our colleagues at the Tijuana National Estuarine Research Reserve have been monitoring the situation closely to better understand what is going on. See this news article about … Read More

El Niño and Our Urban Ocean

Sarah Giddingsnews

Sarah joined Julie Thomas from SCCOOS to talk about impacts of the current El Niño on our coastline at the Birch Aquarium’s Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series. There was an excellent turnout and a lot of interest by the community. A brief news clip of the talks is here, a full recording will be available soon.

beach walk & citizen science studies

Sarah Giddingsnews

Our beach walk was a great success! We saw extreme beach erosion, infrastructure damage, and a recently excavated estuary mouth. Astrid Hsu, MAS student at SIO Is studying the efficacy of beach walks and the Urban Tides Citizen Science Initiative, both to figure out who and why people join the Initiative and whether citizens are learning something from their participation. Click … Read More

beach walk this weekend!

Sarah Giddingsnews

Join us for a beach walk this Saturday, March 5th 3:30pm at Torrey Pines. We will highlight coastal changes we are experiencing during this El Niño season including cliff and beach erosion and drastic changes to the estuaries. We will also introduce the Urban Tides Initiative, a citizen science initiative intended to document coastline change. The walk will start at … Read More

Ocean Sciences 2016

Sarah Giddingsnews

The Giddings’ lab just returned from the 2016 Ocean Sciences Conference in New Orleans. Isa gave an excellent talk (her first science talk at a major conference, congrats!) and Maddie presented a great poster with exciting new data. This was the view above the poster hall… a sea of posters and ocean scientists!

Giddings’ lab work featured by SIO!

Sarah Giddingsnews

A fun interview and video highlighting the Giddings’ lab work was published by SIO last week! [youtube]

deployment in Agua Hedionda Lagoon

Sarah Giddingsnews

Due to receiving a newly funded USC Sea Grant project, we deployed a mooring in Agua Hedionda Lagoon to compare the influence of waves and wave-current interactions on sediment transport in a more open-water type of lagoon. Thanks to the Carlsbad Aquafarm for their help in mooring deployment and the Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute for access to a location to mount our time-lapse … Read More

citizen science highlighted on KPBS

Sarah Giddingsnews

KPBS joined our beach walk on 20 January 2016 and featured a great story on the radio and on-line about the Urban Tides citizen science program as well as the science many of us at SIO are doing to document El Niño’s impact on our coastline. KPBS has been working on a series of El Niño related stories, also check out … Read More

beach walk & citizen science!

Sarah Giddingsnews

20 January 2016, Sarah, Maddie & Astrid joined a beach walk on La Jolla Shores to explain extreme water level events, El Niño, sea level rise, and to introduce folks to the Urban Tides citizen science initiative. The Urban Tides Initiative and the walk are led by USC Sea Grant. Astrid Hsu is a Master of Advanced Studies student in Marine … Read More